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無題 Poster:Marchan Date of post:2007/12/03(Mon) 19:46 No.162  

Yanagawa is in Kyushu.
Where you can see small boat(called Donko Bune) with tourist on board come and go on the rippling way.

Jeongbang Falls Poster:Mountain Rabbit Date of post:2007/10/25(Thu) 15:42 No.161  

This is Jeongbang Falls in Jeju island in Korea.
It falls directly into the southern sea of Korea.
I visited here on 22nd Sept. with my friends.
Jeju island is a kind of volcano island
and small crators are here and there.

Procecion de San Miguel anno 2... Poster:JINEMOS Date of post:2007/10/21(Sun) 12:22 No.156  


Unas ninnas vestidas de gitana acompannadas de sus madres estan esperando la llegada de la procesion de San Miguel (el patron de Torremolinos). (La foto fue tomada a las 20:00h del dia 29 de Septiembre de 2007)

Re: Procecion de San Miguel an... Mountain Rabbit - 2007/10/21(Sun) 15:11 No.157  

Mr.JINEMOS! How do you do? and How are you?
Thank you for writing about Spanish event on this room.

Re: Procecion de San Miguel an... Tougarasi Monjirou - 2007/10/21(Sun) 19:38 No.158  

Buenas tardes,icuanto tiempo sin vernos,Sr.Jinemos.! бComo esta usted?iQue caras estan las chicas,entonces!Muchas gracias por su foto hermosa de la fiesta.Hasta luego.

Re: Procecion de San Miguel an... JINEMOS - 2007/10/22(Mon) 16:45 No.160  

Thank you very much for your quick replies, Mr. Mountain Rabbit and Sennor Monjirou. We are enjoying Spanish life, but tired a little, too.
Buenos dias Sennor Monjirou. ?Como esta? Estamos muy bien, gracias.
I hope we will meet again here before long.

Autumn Festival Poster:Tougarasi Monjirou Date of post:2007/10/14(Sun) 22:00 No.152  

Autumn Fesival 07 was held at our town (Sakura City)for 3 days.The picture shows a float(Dasi)inside.

Zizoh Bosatsu Poster:Mountain Rabbit Date of post:2007/10/06(Sat) 14:02 No.150  

In Japan, On roadside of suburbs or countries,
Many of Zizoh Bosatsu statues are enshrined.
It is a kind of Buddhist saint and believed that
He protects children from disaster and sickness.
Red cloth on his chest is a bib of baby.
It may be in sitting style or standing style.

Re: Zizoh Bosatsu Mountain Rabbit - 2007/10/06(Sat) 16:45 No.151  

In one of the parks of famous Nikko,
there are many statues of Zizoh Bosatsu,
They are called as Narabi Zizoh,
it means procession Zizoh.

Festival of an urban shrine Poster:Marchan Date of post:2007/08/27(Mon) 16:50 No.147  

Very small children gatherto carry a portable shrine.

Re: Festival of an urban shrin... Marchan - 2007/08/27(Mon) 16:53 No.148  

The Girls take the lead.

Re: Festival of an urban shrin... Marchan - 2007/08/27(Mon) 16:57 No.149  

The Shinto priest is being driven in a modern sports car.

Bon Dancing Poster:Marchan Date of post:2007/08/26(Sun) 21:44 No.145  

The Bon Festival Dancing rally which was sponsored by the town association is held at a local park.
People are enjoying Tankoubushi, Bahamama(samba) and so on.

Re: The Bon Festival Dance Marchan - 2007/08/26(Sun) 21:51 No.146  

After the dance, a little girl is buying a cotton candy at a night stall in the park.

Workshop for Children Poster:Marchan Date of post:2007/07/16(Mon) 08:52 No.141  

On June 30th and July 1st "The Workshop for children" held at Keio University's Mita Campus.

About 6500 children enjoyed this Workshop.

I participated in this event as a volunteer for the one of Workshop and helped them to make a strip paper and write their wishes on it for Tanabata Festival ※”


This volunteer instructor is my friend.

Re: Work Shop for Children Marchan - 2007/07/16(Mon) 08:55 No.142  

※Tanabata Festival, or the Star Festival held on July 7 every year in Japan.
People celebrate this time by putting up big branches of bamboo with colourful decorations at home, and wish for something. They hang strip of paper with their wishes on them.

Re: Work Shop for Children Marchan - 2007/07/16(Mon) 09:01 No.143  

We taught them how to write their wishes on the PC.
---by Word Art Function (Microsoft Office)
and draw simple illustrations
---by (the same method)

This girl's wish is "I wish to become an archeologist."

Re: Work Shop for Children Marchan - 2007/07/16(Mon) 09:10 No.144  

He is a professor of a graduate school,
and for him it is a first experience to teach kindergarden children.

Nippon Maru Poster:Marchan Date of post:2007/07/13(Fri) 17:00 No.140  

Nippon Maru---This ship is called "Swan on the Pacific Ocean" which departed from Kobe on the June 30th.

The Outline of Nippon Maru.
type of ship: 4-mast bark type sailing ship.
Total tonnage: 2,570tonnes.
Size: Full length: 110.09m, Width: 13.80m: Depth. 10.71m.
Main Engine and powers: 4-cycle diesel engines (2 sets)
3,000 PS (2,206 KW)
Trainee capacity: 120 students
Launched on February 15, 1984.
The ship is owned by "The National Institute for Sea Training".

Photo by Shichikuno

The ancient Lotuses Poster:Taihei Date of post:2007/06/25(Mon) 20:58 No.137   HomePage

These Lotuses was born from one seed of 2000 years ago.
Three seeds was discovered from 2000 years ago ruin and the only one seed could remain and be brooming.

The smell and color of these flowers are very sweert.
We would stay on heaven for a little moment.

Re: The ancient Lotuses Marchan - 2007/06/26(Tue) 07:34 No.138  

Thank you Taihei-san

It's lovely.

Where was this photograph taken?

Re: The ancient Lotuses Taihei - 2007/06/30(Sat) 11:01 No.139   HomePage

Hi! Marchan.

Those Lotuses are brooming at Chiba Park,Chiba City.
You will be able to enjoy these until early July.
When will you come to Chiba City?

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